domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Santa Fe

Have you even been in a big mall? Well, if you have or if you don’t, I am really sure that you haven’t visited one like the Santa Fe, the biggest mall in Bogota and in all Latin America. In here you will have fun and you will find a great variety of stores.
This mall is located in the north of Bogota in the 187 street. This is a very touristic place not only because, there is the biggest mall in all Latin America but also there are many great supermarkets near, one home center, one exito, one Carulla. There are 4 entrance to the mall, when you enter you will see that the mall is divided in sections of countries, so there is a great variety of stores, as there are around 366 and 42 of them are of food, so there you can pass a weekend with your family eating cause there are great variety of food and also doing shopping. Also there are some distractions for kids, so while you do shopping, you pay things in the banks, or you eat, you can leave your kid in a place call divercity were he or she will have fun. Also there is a place that is like an auditorium, where sometimes they make performance with magicians and more events like the E-fest (competition of gamers). when you came to this mall you feel the sensation of buying many things in the store, and when you are n the food area, you start feeling very hungry.
So as  I wrote,  this mall is very complete because it has many stores where you can find all what you want, this mall is relaxing, you will not be bored, and there is always something to do. So why don’t you stop searching things in other malls that maybe you will not find, and get here and buy all what you want

Healthy food :D

Hi again is me juanes. Today I’m going to tell you about a restaurant that has oriental influence. It is WOK a really god restaurant that your tongue will say “what’s that tasty food I’m proving?”
In here you can taste the best oriental food in all Bogotá (in exception of teriyaki that also is really good). This food makes you have a different sensation because you eat really good food without feeling a sensation of fullness. Instead you feel a satisfaction of eating the healthiest food in the entire world.

Here you can taste for example the soup of “pho” that you may recognize it in the movie kung fu panda. This soup contains rice pasta, onion, Chinese root, coriander aromatized with cinnamon and ginger.
This is not the real soup that is prepared in WOK; this photo is for giving you an idea of this soup.

Well you can find this gorgeous place in distributed in all Bogotá but you may visit it in the avenue 19 #118-75 where you can have the most comfort with free WI-FI and smoking free areas. For having more idea of this place visit:

Fried dough!!!

Hi, again is juanes, in this entry I’m going to tell you about one place that is located in Cedritos and outside of Bogotá. In this place are prepare the most delicious empanadas, buñuelos, and pandeyucas.
This place is known as “el kiosco” in here they sell the best appetizer in all bogota for example the empanadas.These empanadas are really recognized by all the people that live in Bogotá for example the make a  row for eating this delicious empanadas (is fried dough filled with meat or chicken):
Also they make the buñuelos and pandeyucas:
Well if you want to taste this delicious food that represents all Colombia you may visit cedritos at the street 11#144-73 or just call to the 216-4475. There is nothing like this. For knowing more visits:

Food in Bogotá

The last day when I went to my odontologist my dad suggest me to go to an amazing place called “Aqui en SantaFe” that in English is here in SantaFe, they prepare the best arepas in all Bogotá.

For starting an arepa is a Colombian dish prepare from the corn dough, mixed with water and coked in a range till it has get warm and a bit hard served with vegetables, meat, chicken, or sausages. When you officially enter to the restaurant you notice that is an old Bogotán house that has been here since 1986 were you could eat the delicious arepas with the influence of the “cachacos” culinary. In here you cold taste de different arepas that each one of them has something different such as the “montañera” that is coverd with some delicious meat or chicken, guacamole, beans and “ogao” (is a mixture with tomato, onion and oil).
You can find this great full restaurant in the district of chapinero (that it is one of the most cultural and historical places in all Bogotá) at the 7th street # 62-63. If you want to learn more visit:


Have you ever enjoy a lot a cinema? Have you ever fell comfort in a cinema?
The Unicentro cinema is very big it’s not easy to found because it is hide by other stores. This cinema has 8 rooms that are big whit good chairs that brings to the people more comfort for see movies this rooms are very big with screens of excellent quality and with good sound. This cinema has a store inside where you can buy food like: popcorn, soda, chips, hot dog, chocolates, nachos, etc. they have many alternatives that bring to the people facilities for obtain food. This cinema has 2 floors and takes a lot of space of the mall.
This excellent cinema “Cine Colombia” is where the rooms are always clean and the personal of this cinema provides good service.


Have you ever visited a neighborhood that bring you fun and that you can make a lot of activities?
Is a neighborhood located at the north of Bogota initially were a lot of lands that were desolated, this land were near to the mall Unicentro, that as a mall starts to be very important in Bogota. Then when the city starts to grow many persons start to go for a house at the north of Bogota, and all this lands start to be sold or making edifices, and all that apartments are now the neighborhood of “La Carolina”. This neighborhood is now a day’s one of the most important of Bogota because it is good located (is near to Unicentro, it have a very important hotel named “la Fontana” and near is one of the most important club “ the county club”), the security, and other aspects. This neighborhood has a lot of green zones where the kids can play and make different activities: like play soccer, tennis, etc. this green zones are big and have a great security.
La Carolina is a good neighborhood because,  Near Carolina there are many services that you can find easily like restaurants, markets, cloths, etc.

julio mario santodomingo

Have you ever been in a library? If you have or if you don’t, I recommend you to visit Julio Mario Santodomingo library, it is the biggest library in Bogota and in Colombia. The library name was because of Julio Mario Santodomingo, which is one of the most important people in Colombia.
This library is located in the north of Bogota, in the location of Suba, in a very important place that is the 170, so we can access there easily, also near it there is one of the largest Carrefour’s in Colombia, and one Alkosto, so this is a very important place. This library is the most important libraries in Colombia, and it was just constructed in this year so you can imagine how it is, in here we can find a lot of variety of things. This library is formed by a theater which is very big, there can be more than 1000 people sitting down, also there are 2 reading areas, which are very big, so it you can read with tranquility, also there is a work area in which you can prepare your works with your friends, also there is an auditorium were you can do expositions etc. in the outdoors there are many green zones in which you can relax, also you don’t have to worried about the kids, they can have fun in the kids area.

So why don’t you come here and visit the most important library in Bogota, here you can find all what you need for works, like computers and books, also you can have fun here while you watch a performance in the theater, so stop searching in Wikipedia or having fun watching TV and try something new.


There are many malls in Colombia but have you ever visited the second biggest mall in Colombia and the greatest mall in all Bogota?

Is an exciting place to be where you can found many places and activities to do. Is one of the malls more important in Colombia because his installations and the different stores that provides good services, this mall was inaugurated in 28 of April of 1976.One important advantage of this mall is that it has a big zone for parking many cars so we can enjoy more this mall and have more time, other advantage is that is of the biggest malls in Colombia except of the mall Santa Fe. It is located at the north of Bogota you can access to this mall from northbound avenue 15, street 127 east.
This spectacular mall Unicentro in the last years has remodeled all his installations and now the mall is more spectacular and beauty. There are other malls that have equal names but they are not like this one because his many characteristics, that cannot be similar as Unicentro.

pizza 1969

You probably think that the only place where we can eat pizza are in the streets, or in disgusting places, but I know one place that is very famous, in which you can eat delicious pizzas and with good prices. This restaurant is called pizza 1969; this is one of the famous places where you can eat pizza.
This restaurant is located in most of the locations in all Bogota; there are about 15 restaurants in all Bogota, the most famous and visited is the one that is in the Av 19 # 135-25, this is one the most famous because this is located near other famous restaurants so this is a very visited place. As this place is very famous we can imagine how its food is. This restaurant is not so big, but its food is delicious, sometimes you have to wait until one family or person finishes eating. In here we can see a wall in which there are photos of famous people eating there. This place is also favorite by the people because here we can find a great variety of food, we can found around 77 kinds of different pizza, so if you don’t like one thing you have many options to choose, also there are around 8 types of lasagnas, 9 types of spaghetti, and 4 types of raviolis. So here you would not leave without eating anything. when you came here you start to smell and inmediatly you feel the sensation of been very hungry.
So come here if you want to know how Colombian pizzas really are, and how a really pizza is. Also I have to say that if you come you will like pizza for ever. 

Simon Bolivar

You probably don’t know that Parque Metropolitano Simon Bolivar is composed by only one park; but you are wrong, it is composed by some parks and parklands around the zone of Teusaquillo. All this parks are very interesting, are places where you can get some fun, practice sports, and get some more knowledge.

It is composed by the principal park: Simon Bolivar. The others are: Parque del lago/Parque de los novios, Parque el Salitre, Complejo Acuático, library Virgilio Barco, Centro de Alto Rendimiento, Jardin Botanico, and Salitre Magico . These are 
places where you can practice some sports like: swimming, running, skating, etc… also these are places for going with the family to pass one sunny day, you can make some picnics, play etc…. and in the library you can make some investigation projects, research, get some books for studying etc… but these are nice places. Many events, festivals and concerts are made on the Simon Bolivar, that’s because it is the biggest one of all the crowd of parks, had the appropriated places for these events. Events like Rock al parque, Hip Hop al parque, Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro, Jazz al parque, and some others, the concerts are not always defined. Some festivals like “Festival de Verano” are celebrated in all these parklands; this festival is celebrated the last week of July and some few days of August. When I entered to those parks I feel a strange feeling, it is an enviroment of having fun, you see the green places and you only think to start playing and to think in what game could be the best one, you se more people having fun, making any sport, etc...When is time for going you see all  people laughing, and like with a little of sadness of going but they start planing for another coming.
 There are more things to describe these places, but I will let you go and have a nice experience, you will be more interested in going again and to tell all your friends to go, those will be amazing experiences. Don’t miss them.

viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

Pablo VI

There are many neighborhoods here in Bogota, where you can get some fun and get some friends. One example is Pablo VI, a big, beautiful place with some years (old). Have you ever visited it?
When I get into the place I immeadiately realize that it was a very interesting place for many reasons. It is too big that it is divided in two parts, Pablo VI first stage build 42 years ago and the Pablo VI second stage also known as Balcones de Pablo VI build only 7 years ago. The story says that the first stage was build when the saint reverent Pablo VI came and there were enough buildings for all the people that came with the pope and people who want to see the pope, so these buildings were made for all these people and they put the name in honor of his arrival .The second stage was built after, and the name is the same only because it is close to the first Pablo VI. At the beginning all the building where white but with the time they have change into: red, yellow, blue and green for distingue of other neighborhoods. It also was many social places, like soccer fields, playgrounds, parklands, a variety of shops, also a big gym, and others, it is like a little town. It is very good located ,it is near of many parks like the Simon Bolivar, near the Universidad Nacional, the library “Virgilio Barco”, and others. On weekends the environment is also more interesting than on the rest of the days, all the people go out for having some fun, and to pass a nice day.
My conclusion about Pablo VI , is that it could be like one of the best neighborhood for living, you are probably thinking that if these is like an old neighborhood it is ugly and that it will not be a nice place to visit, but you are wrong, as I have said these is a very nice place and you can get some fun. Come one day and get some fun!!!


In Bogota are many beautiful places, like the variety of libraries where you can connect with many interesting books, on example is the Virgilio Barco library, it has a large area with a very interesting architecture and a beautiful playground. Have you ever visited it?
When I entered I feel a very nice environment for studying, it is very soundless, with good places for you to study. It is one of the many green zones that compose the Parque Metropolitano Simon Bolivar. There is a place with books for little kids with computers for children with some entertainment, and another part for adults or teen agers with more advance computers. The library has a capacity of 180.000 volumes but actually it has 25000 volumes .It is much visited; it has an average of 2.000 visitors in a day. It is composed by 3 levels, one section of reading with 640 reading posts, a newspaper archive, reading cubicles, video archive, computer room, digital catalogs, investigating areas, internet and multimedia, open air auditorium for 350 people, music rooms, children living with a capacity of 100 kids, and a large parkland. All of this is build on an area of 16.092 m2 Its architect is a French man with Colombian nationality named Rogelio Salmona, it is based on gothic architecture and it has like a form of snail, it was build on 2002 in honor to the ex vice-president Virgilio Barco
I think this is a very nice place to visit; you have to go one day you will think that going to a library is very nerd but you can also go to play in the parkland that is very large and you will have a lot of fun, and if one day you cannot concentrate or in a homework or you have not find something for a project this is a good place to visit for you to concentrate.