domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Simon Bolivar

You probably don’t know that Parque Metropolitano Simon Bolivar is composed by only one park; but you are wrong, it is composed by some parks and parklands around the zone of Teusaquillo. All this parks are very interesting, are places where you can get some fun, practice sports, and get some more knowledge.

It is composed by the principal park: Simon Bolivar. The others are: Parque del lago/Parque de los novios, Parque el Salitre, Complejo Acuático, library Virgilio Barco, Centro de Alto Rendimiento, Jardin Botanico, and Salitre Magico . These are 
places where you can practice some sports like: swimming, running, skating, etc… also these are places for going with the family to pass one sunny day, you can make some picnics, play etc…. and in the library you can make some investigation projects, research, get some books for studying etc… but these are nice places. Many events, festivals and concerts are made on the Simon Bolivar, that’s because it is the biggest one of all the crowd of parks, had the appropriated places for these events. Events like Rock al parque, Hip Hop al parque, Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro, Jazz al parque, and some others, the concerts are not always defined. Some festivals like “Festival de Verano” are celebrated in all these parklands; this festival is celebrated the last week of July and some few days of August. When I entered to those parks I feel a strange feeling, it is an enviroment of having fun, you see the green places and you only think to start playing and to think in what game could be the best one, you se more people having fun, making any sport, etc...When is time for going you see all  people laughing, and like with a little of sadness of going but they start planing for another coming.
 There are more things to describe these places, but I will let you go and have a nice experience, you will be more interested in going again and to tell all your friends to go, those will be amazing experiences. Don’t miss them.

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