viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

gold museum

Have you ever visited a museum in bogota? have you ever see a museum of gold? well if you dont i recommend you to visit the best gold museum, the gold museum in bogota, this will let you to know more about the history of Spain and Colombia.
This museum is located in a historic palce in bogota in  la cra 6 with calle 16 this museum is one of the best and on eof the most expensive museums, as most of the things are of gold. in this museum you can find many things like small sculptures as well as big, so it is very confortable. Also here you can learn a lot as most of this sculptures are from pre-columbian period, so they tell you about spaniards and the small communities before, in here you will learn about the process of colonization in colombia and in america  also as this is in one of the historic palces of bogota, you can learn more, this is a perfect way you can learn about pre-columbian period, going to museums, specially this one.
So why dont you come here and pass a good cultural day, with your family, learning about the history of bogota, and having fun.

“This is war” Bogotazo!!!!!

Well, is me juanes now I’m alone because my grandparent has sleep but that last thing he said to me was about the Bogotazo. The only thing that I know from this is that it happened after Jorge Eliecer Gaitan was killed and most of all bogotans were mad about the kill and turned upside down the city causing suffering  but let’s check very carefully how this happened:
In April the 9th of 1948 a presidential candidate was killed with three bullets one on his chest and two on his head (it was really different from John F. Kennedy). He was Jorge Eliecer Gaitan and you could see him in the 1000 pesos bill at the back of it. And if you keep watching really close at the same bill you may find a young man that now days is really know worldwide, well he is Fidel Castro. Wait why he was there???? Because he was going to talk to Jorge Eliecer Gaitan about a congress but instead of that he lived a catastrophe the Bogotazo. Jorge Eliecer Gaitan was killed but the murderer was captured, tortured and killed by an angry bogotans crowd, after that he was dragged by different streets in all Bogotá. After that there were many thieves and assault in Bogotá’s down town. Liberals and Conservators were in a war between them killing themselves with knives and “machetes”. In five words IT WAS A TOTAL ANARCHY.
After this revolt the government had no power to take the decisions because they were killing themselves, but by the time they started to get in some agreements and started to get the control of the politics in Colombia. If this wouldn´t had how would be our present in Bogota????’

Our fashion Yeah

Second part of our article marathon with my grandfather Benjamin. This time I’m going to tell you about some thigh that really marked our “cachacos” history that was our way to dress that were not as now days that use pants on their knees and some hair that is really strange are like devils heads with colors.
So if you know me, you must know I’m a really fancy old man that always uses a hat, a really great moustache always with some wax on it, a perfect tuxedo or gray suit with a white and perfect shirt with a tie and  to complete this wonderful fashion I always accompany it whit a gabardine and an umbrella. You would think “he looks like a gangster but without a gun and the killing attitude “but you may know someone that dress like that, he is Jose Gabriel know from his show “Yo Jose Gabriel”. But we are only talking of the men let see how the woman were dressed up, they were always using hells, some cloth skirts usually with dark colors and some shirts also made with clothe and with dark colors.  Completing this wonderful dress with some hats usually with embroideries in light color and a gabardine and also an umbrella. An really god example is like the dress that Scarlet Johansson used on that movie with Christian Bale and Hugh jackman. You may think why they both sexes uses gabardines and umbrellas, this is because during that time Bogotá’s weather  was really cold and it often rained, is not like now days thank to the global warming that everybody is using really thin, light clothes that help to be fresh and free.
I continue using ancient fashion if I could called like that because I feel really god on this clothes and because I was educated with another type of culture but believe it or not this is now consider or I consider that epoch fashion as  a Bogotá’s history that should never be forgotten and it still influence now days.

casa de la moneda

In colombia there are many museums, some of them are really old and have many things and good things. one of these museums is the casa de la moneda,visiting this place will let you to travel to the past and know more about colombia.
This museum is located in the nieghborhood la candelaria, this is one of the historic places in bogota and in colombia, and you can learn a lot visiting this place. when you enter you can see an old house, it is a very traditional house, you can find many historical places like machines, old machines, also you can see antiquepieces, coins. in this place you can see painting of the creator of this house. Also in here you can understant how were made coins in the past, also in there are some other expositions of the bank of republica, one of the historic banks in banks in bogota, this museum will let you know more about colombia in the 17th century. also there are many things you can do while you visit this. you can go to many places in this neighborhood as all this is very near, like the biblioteca luis angel arango also some other places. it is the perfect way to enjoy a day.
So why dont you come here and pass a day, you can learn about bogota, the contry you live. you also can have a funny day, why dont you give your kids or your boyfriend or girlfriend a opportunity to know more about bogta, and pass a funny day.

The streetcar

Hi, what’s up you guy is me again and again, juanes but this articles I’m gone post continuously in one night, are going to be a different kind of articles because this time I’m not going to write my experience because this time my grandparent Benjamin is going to tell to you the Bogotá’s history.
Good night to all of you as my grandson told to you I’m Benjamin and in this little article I’m going to talk to you about how I used to move all around the city in 1930.  By those years I was really young and I was really busy because I was serving to our nation being one soldier that defended the presidential house (yeah, my grandpa was one of those guys that now days are dressed with some blue uniforms and that act like robots). But the only way that I could get to the presidential house was using the innovator way of transportation “the streetcar”  that  help me a lot In my job because it was faster to get to my home to  the military installations from where I had to offer my life to the president. So this streetcar was brought to Bogotá piece by piece through all the mountains that surround Bogotá using horses and donkeys. But each time there was an innovation of this streetcar, with more capacity and speed which helped my even more because y could get home earlier to visit my family.
Well after I finished my obligatory military service I still used the streetcar to go and work in my new job in the national railways. So this transportation system now days don’t exist but it is a relic that lives in our imagination and in our memories, this amazing way of transportation that has become a part of our Bogotá’s history.

miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

Nemesio Camacho el Campin

Hi, guys I am Juan Pablo Gomez, and I am going to tell you my amazing experiecene, in this old but wonderfull stadium. Have you ever visited it? I think that yes, if you havent go it is probably because you dont like soccer, but it doesnt matter, if you have go you know it is a very nice experience, so I am going to tell you my experience for motivating you to go and watch any match, you will have an amazing experience.

This stadium is located in the NQS avenue, I watch the match Colombia - Brasil that result 0-0. It was amazing many people screaming COLOMBIA!!!!it was very emocionating, I was so excited, that was not my first match, but watching all that people giving hope to Colombia, knowing it was a very difficult match was so amazing.It was raining too much so the match was call off,(that is what I dont like about this stadium, it is wreek in many aspects, the court, and the architecture its too old, now it is by remodelated for the sub 20 world cup 2011 that is going to be here in Colombia) it was too much time waiting, but it continues being amazing, the match last at the night, 0-0 people was sad beacuse there were no goals, but we were also happy beacuse Colombia played so good that Brasil couldnt win,for example Zuñiga a player of Colombia make a trick that left Ronaldinho sit in the floor that was amazinng,

Well I have tell you about my experience in this wonderfull stadium, now is your time for going and have your own experience, now the satdium is going to have more peopel beacuse people that before wnet to west part now have to go to eastbeacuse the west part is being remodelatng, but you will have an amazing experience watching your favorite team, you could also have a better expereicen than mine.