miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

Nemesio Camacho el Campin

Hi, guys I am Juan Pablo Gomez, and I am going to tell you my amazing experiecene, in this old but wonderfull stadium. Have you ever visited it? I think that yes, if you havent go it is probably because you dont like soccer, but it doesnt matter, if you have go you know it is a very nice experience, so I am going to tell you my experience for motivating you to go and watch any match, you will have an amazing experience.

This stadium is located in the NQS avenue, I watch the match Colombia - Brasil that result 0-0. It was amazing many people screaming COLOMBIA!!!!it was very emocionating, I was so excited, that was not my first match, but watching all that people giving hope to Colombia, knowing it was a very difficult match was so amazing.It was raining too much so the match was call off,(that is what I dont like about this stadium, it is wreek in many aspects, the court, and the architecture its too old, now it is by remodelated for the sub 20 world cup 2011 that is going to be here in Colombia) it was too much time waiting, but it continues being amazing, the match last at the night, 0-0 people was sad beacuse there were no goals, but we were also happy beacuse Colombia played so good that Brasil couldnt win,for example Zuñiga a player of Colombia make a trick that left Ronaldinho sit in the floor that was amazinng,

Well I have tell you about my experience in this wonderfull stadium, now is your time for going and have your own experience, now the satdium is going to have more peopel beacuse people that before wnet to west part now have to go to eastbeacuse the west part is being remodelatng, but you will have an amazing experience watching your favorite team, you could also have a better expereicen than mine.

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