viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

The streetcar

Hi, what’s up you guy is me again and again, juanes but this articles I’m gone post continuously in one night, are going to be a different kind of articles because this time I’m not going to write my experience because this time my grandparent Benjamin is going to tell to you the Bogotá’s history.
Good night to all of you as my grandson told to you I’m Benjamin and in this little article I’m going to talk to you about how I used to move all around the city in 1930.  By those years I was really young and I was really busy because I was serving to our nation being one soldier that defended the presidential house (yeah, my grandpa was one of those guys that now days are dressed with some blue uniforms and that act like robots). But the only way that I could get to the presidential house was using the innovator way of transportation “the streetcar”  that  help me a lot In my job because it was faster to get to my home to  the military installations from where I had to offer my life to the president. So this streetcar was brought to Bogotá piece by piece through all the mountains that surround Bogotá using horses and donkeys. But each time there was an innovation of this streetcar, with more capacity and speed which helped my even more because y could get home earlier to visit my family.
Well after I finished my obligatory military service I still used the streetcar to go and work in my new job in the national railways. So this transportation system now days don’t exist but it is a relic that lives in our imagination and in our memories, this amazing way of transportation that has become a part of our Bogotá’s history.

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