viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

Our fashion Yeah

Second part of our article marathon with my grandfather Benjamin. This time I’m going to tell you about some thigh that really marked our “cachacos” history that was our way to dress that were not as now days that use pants on their knees and some hair that is really strange are like devils heads with colors.
So if you know me, you must know I’m a really fancy old man that always uses a hat, a really great moustache always with some wax on it, a perfect tuxedo or gray suit with a white and perfect shirt with a tie and  to complete this wonderful fashion I always accompany it whit a gabardine and an umbrella. You would think “he looks like a gangster but without a gun and the killing attitude “but you may know someone that dress like that, he is Jose Gabriel know from his show “Yo Jose Gabriel”. But we are only talking of the men let see how the woman were dressed up, they were always using hells, some cloth skirts usually with dark colors and some shirts also made with clothe and with dark colors.  Completing this wonderful dress with some hats usually with embroideries in light color and a gabardine and also an umbrella. An really god example is like the dress that Scarlet Johansson used on that movie with Christian Bale and Hugh jackman. You may think why they both sexes uses gabardines and umbrellas, this is because during that time Bogotá’s weather  was really cold and it often rained, is not like now days thank to the global warming that everybody is using really thin, light clothes that help to be fresh and free.
I continue using ancient fashion if I could called like that because I feel really god on this clothes and because I was educated with another type of culture but believe it or not this is now consider or I consider that epoch fashion as  a Bogotá’s history that should never be forgotten and it still influence now days.

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