martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

Salitre Magico

Hi guys, its me Juan Pblo Gomez and i am going to talk about a very nice thematic park. I am going to talk about Salitre Magico, I think you have visisted it in any moment of your life, if you havent I am going to tell you my experience over there for motaving you to go and have a really nice time.

I was bored in my house so I got the idea for going again after many years to Salitre Magico, I arrived there and I saw there was a new roller coaster, its color was green and it seems very interisting to ride it, its name is Tornado and it is sponsor by Banco AV Villas. I started to think only to ride on that new roller coaster. I started by riding in the bumper cars, then I ride in the first roller coaster of this park. I get some fun in that roller coaster,but then I passed to the other roller coaster the yellow one, it was better but I continue thinking in the Tornado. I ate some delicious food and I continue with energy for having fun. Then I repeated the roller coasters, the time passed to fast that I couldnt ride in all the atractions, my brother that have ride on other attractions told me there were amazing. I enjoyed the wheel Milenium it was amazing when I was on top, I could see an airplane landing, that was what I most like, Go karts where also nice, but  It was time for riding in the Tornado. It was amazing, all the time I waited was necessary. I returned to my house and I couldnt forget my amazing  experience. I couldnt forget the delicious foood I ate and my experience in that new roller coaster.

I think I have told you all about my experience in there, and I want you to go and have a nice time, full of fun, if you havent go you have to go and notice how amazing is that park, if you have already go, you have to repeat that amazing experience you had and experience by your own the new roller coaster: Tornado.

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