viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010


Hi, wuz up every body, I me Juanes writing again to you. Well one of the most important places in Bogotá is a sleeping volcano that is located _______. But if I continue saying to you this important details it would be BORING and I would probably get a zero in my writing achievement. So what I’m going to do is this:
Every time that I was going to visit my grandmother that lived in the south of Bogotá we had two choices to get there taking the Caracas A.V or taking the _______. So two years ago my cousins and uncles from Canada came here to Bogotá to visit all the family because they travelled around four years to Canada and never came back. So as they came here my dad suggested: “why don’t we visit Monserrate? You might not recognize it now” so after that proposal we took some really good jackets and went to Monserrate volcano. In here we had to choose between getting up to the top by Teleferico, Funicular or by walking but by those times the stairs that took you to the top were closed and the funicular was also closed because it was too late, so our only choice was to take the teleferico. When we get to the top we finally get our award we got the most beautiful view of all Bogotá.
But the only thing that was the negative on this experience was that it was freezing up there  think we were like in 4° C but we foud a little store were they serve my parents and my aunts “canelazo” (a hot brew made with panela, cinnamon and aguardiente)  and to us some hot chocolate. After that we decided to go home to get warmer with some sheets and some pillows. leave me some comments completing the blanks,  if you do it another ,10 points to you. go an check this video is amazing:

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