viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Bolívar plaza.

Hi guys if this entry is so lame, is because I’m so tired today because I hadn´t sleep in 1 day so sorry. Well so this is going to be the continuation of my last two entries. So we were in the part that my aunt was divorcing from my uncle. But this story happens again with my dad because my mom was helping my aunt with some procedures of my cousin’s Canadian visa.
So my dad and I again continued exploring Bogotá’s down town now visiting some theaters and some music shops but after walking again about 3 hours we stopped in front of the presidential house, the “Plaza de Bolivar” where you can find as my dad says “the flying rats” or thousand of doves that make an unique picture of one of the most important places in all Bogotá. When we were in there my dad told me that in here happened one of the revolts that lead to the Colombian independence. In here the July 20 of 1810 the New Grenadian people made their revolt by asking José González Llorente his jar. In here you can find the museum where you can know all history of this marvelous event. And now 200 years in the future we are again writing again (this is also an article about the Colombian Bicentenary).
Well after feeding some doves and chatting a lot whit my dad we went again home with my aunt, my mom, my dad an my cousin to eat some chicken filled with bacon and potatoes. want to se a video of this article click on this link: a really god video, but is in spanish.

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