viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Cultural Center “Gabriel García Márquez”

“Watts up world another day another challenge” (10 points if know from whose that leave a comment below). This time is like a continuation of my last entry because this experience also happened with my parents and my uncles two years ago. But this time is started a bit awkward.
By those days my aunt was separating from my uncle so they were making some legal issues in Bogotá (another reason why they came). When they were declaring in a court because they wanted to live now separated. So my dad and I were looking for a new experience we started to explore Bogotá’s down tow.  We begun walking all around of the down town, we visited some malls that are really old but our attention was captured by a really new structure with a postmodern art design. Without thinking two times we entered there for the first time and we get shocked. We find a  very cool place where is a library a coffee and some other stock shops were you can get out of the reality and travel to a place where is really peace full. We stayed there like for five hours drinking some Juan Valdes coffee and reading some magazines visiting the art gallery.
Finally my aunt got out of the audience with my mom and went to this wonderful place where she relaxed from all that stress and fight se had at the audience. Want to know more about this place go and visit: and for more infromation go and check this video

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