domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

Complejo Acuatico

Hi guys, I am Juan Pablo Gomez, and I am going to tell you about my nice experience in the Complejo Acuatico, have you ever visited it? it is probably that not, problably because you dont like swimming, but it doesnt matter I am going to tell you my experience for motivating you for going and visit it.

Well I was bored in my house, and I had anything to do, so I started to think in what places can I visited, after many time thinking I decide to visit this amazing sport place, the Complejo Acuatico, it is very near my house and I have only visited it one tieme,few days after it was build but I dont remember to much of it so I decided to go an repeat my experience. There were many and with different high diving boards. There were not people diving, but there were many people swimming, (as you know). They were parctising like for a championship, so they give all they could in the water. I would like to swim like them, they swim very fast and there were differente people swimming in different types. There was also a smaller swimming pool for the little kids, they also swim good, they were excellente swimmers for the age they had. The big swimming pool was for the diving boards, and for swimmers with more experince. The part of the diving boards was deeper than the others. It was nice to see all that people swimming.

Well I have tell you my experience, now its your time for going and expereicne your own. You will have an amazing expericne, you could have the opportunity of watching people diving, so you could have a better expericen than mine. Good luck! you could also became interest in swimmig and you can ask any teacher about the cousres they have.

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