domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

Julio Mario Santodomingo Theater

In Bogota there are many theaters, some of them are much unknown or aren’t very famous as others but they are also important. One of these theaters is the Julio Mario Santodomingo Theater, this theater will let you know, and how is a modern theater.
This theater is located in Julio Mario Santodomingo library, so while you go here you can read a book or search in internet, this theater is very big, there can be more than 1000 people sitting down, also there is big scenery, artist can move freely . Also the sits are in a very good position every one can see the scenery, and are very comfortable. Also there is a great variety of performance for been a non famous theater; you can watch La orquesta filarmonica de Bogota, and also some performance like Carmen Linares that is presenting this week.
This library is unknown but it has many great things. This is a perfect example that unknown theaters can be very good and better than famous. So why don’t you come here and prove it yourself.

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