martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Maloka cinema

Have you ever go to see a movie in which you fell that you are moving and interaction with it? I think that your answer is not but I can recommend you an especial place in which you can be happy on a day.

This place is name Maloka where you can make many especial activities that are not common to do it they are related whit science, art, technological, in which you can learn many things that you could not know.  But the most imprisoning place is the cinema!!!  I go to a movie in which you feel curiosity of what could be happen. In this cinema the sound is very good and in some times can make like an effect that can scare you. The movie that I see was related to the oceans and the different animals that live in that ecosystem, this move give to me conscious about the life of many animals that are in danger of extinction, because the humans and their actions. This cinema is located in Carrera 68D - Calle 43 A - Salitre Bogotá, DC maloka location is very easy to arrived.
Now you know that the best place to see a movie is Maloka. Because it has especial characteristics that other cinema could not have. Are you ready for this experience?????? .

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

Ice rink

Hi, it’s again me Juan Pablo Gomez, and I am going to talk you about my experience in the ice rink. Have you ever skate on one? If you have you know it is a very nice experience for entertaining, if you have you will notice by my experience how it is and you will be motivated for going and having fun.
I am going to talk about the Ice rink in the mall Gran Estacion, it is a mix of Ice rink and bar, while you are skating adults are drinking in the surroundings of the rink. I was very enthusiastic for skating in ice, some years ago I skate but in floor and I played Spanish hockey, the rollers are very different and in the moment I wearied them I felt strange, walking in through the rink was very difficult I was going to fall down, I had to walk very slow. Entering to the rink was more difficult the step the ice floor is very different it is harder. For learning how to skate first you have to know to walk in the ice and it was very difficult I was falling all the time, then when I was taking impulse for skating I was so happy and I started to skate faster but when I was going to take curve I felt and I scrape my hands, I was so embarrassed I though all people were laughing at me but is was not like that, like me many people was falling down so it was very common to see anyone falling down. Time passed and was I was skate a little bit but when I was just going to become a “little expert”,(obviously no) it was time for going home.
Well I have tell you my experience and now it your time for going and entertain, if you have already skate and you are and expert you will annoy everybody, if not don’t worry I dint know how to skate in ice but I learn something, and don’t worry if you fall down at the beginning people will laugh at you but then when that people fall you can also laugh of them. Go and have some fun in this entertaining place!!!!!(It is in the balcony at the exit of technology part, mall Gran Estacion).


Hi guys, is again me, Juan Pablo Gomez and I am going to talk about another entertainment place, Playland. I think most of you have play over there just because the most visited are located in malls Palatino and Salitre Plaza. If you have not visited one it doesn’t matter because I am going to talk you about my amazing experience in Playland of Salitre Plaza.

 Well I was walking around Salitre Plaza and I passed in front of it, I listen all the machines and many people laughing, so I was interested to enter and play, I have visited it before but I didn’t remember the experience I had so I entered again for repeating the experience. Well first I need a card with an amount of money for playing. I had already a card but if you don’t have one they sells you one like for 5 thousand pesos. then you have to recharge the card for playing with any amount you want(5000;10000;20000;50000) I didn’t played too much things, in the first floor I was always playing one game of hitting sharks, it was des choking and it gave a lot of tickets, also on there I played baskets but they didn’t give me too much tickets. In the second floor there were the most interesting but expensive machine games. Over there I played races with my brother. then the card didn’t function because we had spend all money, we were going claim our price but there was not any one interesting so what we did was to put the tickets on the card like if was money for an after coming and play. I was just going out and they still many people playing and having fun. If you have a little brother you can also take him there, there is part for little kids and they will also have fun, but they have to be supervised by an adult. There is a big attraction, the ship I didn’t ride on it because it was not fast so I will not have fun for the expensive price it didn’t worth.

Well now that I have talked about my experience, you have to go there and have a very nice time. Time just will pass very fast but will have a lot of fun, go, play, win prices, and have a lot of fun. It is a very nice experience seriously if you don’t go you doesn’t know what is to have a good time. Go and play all the things you want in this amazing place, Playland!!!!

sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

WOOW I could see a dinosaur! Do you want to see living dinosaurs? Of course they don’t exist now but they take live in IMAX from Plaza De Las Americas the most important mall in Bogotá!, In which you can find many stores of any kind.  Go to IMAX and take fun and a unforgettable day.
First IMAX is a place in which you can see movies but in a new way! This IMAX is located in Plaza De Las Americas this mall s one of the most important in Bogota because is the most visited. IMAX from Plaza De Las Americas you can see a movie in a very big screen and the best sound, the theater is so big and there are a lot of chairs in all parts. But the best thing of IMAX is that you can see the movies in 3D. When you buy the tickets outside the theater you will receive 3D glasses. I recommend you my favorite movie that is Dinosaurios De La Patagonia that is about a documental that shows the life of the Latin-American dinosaurs, in this film you can see many kinds of dinosaurs.  But the best thing is that the dinosaurs seem to be real and that you know how their life’s was. Some parts of this movie the dinosaurs scare me because they seem to attack, eat you because the movie was in 3D.
IMAX is extremely good, I already told my experience so what are you still waiting? Visit IMAX and have the best experience in one day or way not many days.

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

Salitre Plaza

Hi guys, I am Juan Pablo Gomez, and I am going to tell you somethings about one of the first malls in Bogota, "Salitre Plaza". It is a very interesting mall, because it has many things,like a variety of shops, and entertainment places.Have you ever visted it? if not I am going to tell you some interesting things of it.

When I entered I saw a waterfall in an corner of the parkking lot, people where throwing coins, thinking in a wish. I pass through all the mall, I visted a big shoes store "Spring Step" it is the bigest Spring Step I have visited, then I went to Playland were I get some fun, it is not too big but it have a variety of machines for playing.There is a new fast food shop"Burguer King" I did not eat there because I was no hungry. If you do not want to eat in burguer king at its side is a Corral Gourment, a Popsy and in the  right side of Popsy is the food court. Also in the mall is a Procinal cinema that I am going to talk you about it in another time. Here in this mall  I saw many people having some fun, and I also passed a good time.
It is a very nice mall to visit, you have to go one day for having some fun, eat something, buy something in the variety of shops or only walk around for going out of home, go and have some fun!!!!!(like me).

Procinal Salitre

Hi guys, I am Juan Pablo Gomez, and I am going to talk you about my experience in this amazing cinema located in the mall Salitre Plaza. Have you ever visited this cinema? if you have, you know that it is a very nice entertainment place to visit. If you haven’t I am going to tell you my experience for motivating you for visiting it and have a nice day.

First I didn’t see too much people doing the row for buying the tickets, I was expecting more. When I arrived, the people were talking each other about movie would they watch, like in most of cinemas there are a couple of boyfriends that are trying to decide what movie see, most of them chose funny ones. I was not sure what movie watch with my brother but finally we decided to watch Wall Street Before entering I saw people talking about how interesting was the movie they have watch some minutes ago. We bought some popcorn and some sodas. The movie was so interesting, the main topic was that a young man worked in Wall Street, and he was so interested in been a important man in business, the company where he worked banked roped and the office manager suicide, he was going to investigate the business problems... and finally he notice that business are only games where people cheats the others for gaining more power and money. Well there I passed an very nice time.

Well I have tell you my experience, now I only suggest you to go and have a nice time watching a movie, if you want to go and watch a movie this is one of the best places for that, you will be amazed with the cheap tickets, go and visit Procinal Salitre!

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

tejares del norte

Have you ever notice how wonderful are the neighborhoods in Bogotá? Well if you don’t, I invite you to visit Tejares Del Norte; visiting this place will let you to see that in Bogotá there are many neighborhoods that could be funny and not boring as many people say.
This neighborhood is located in the north Bogota, in the location of Suba. The first thing see when we get to this neighborhood, are only old houses but if we get deeper in the neighborhood we could see that it is very interesting. There is a park named Mirandela Park, it is really a huge park, there are plenty of fields were you can play also there are many green areas in which you can rest, play with your dog and with your kids or make a picnic. Also here we can find 3 malls one is called Mirandela mall that is located in a corner of the Mirandela Park, this mall is small, we can find plenty of food stores, restaurants, internet places and a stationery, the other one is called San Pedro mall and have almost the same things of the Mirandela mall, and the other one is the Santa fe mall, the biggest mall in Latin America in here you can find almost all what you want, so there are plenty of things you can, visiting this neighborhoods is a perfect plan.    
As you can see in this neighborhood it is very funny and maybe some others are too, so stop seeing the bad things of the Bogota neighborhoods and visit them maybe you could find things that you like.