domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

Ice rink

Hi, it’s again me Juan Pablo Gomez, and I am going to talk you about my experience in the ice rink. Have you ever skate on one? If you have you know it is a very nice experience for entertaining, if you have you will notice by my experience how it is and you will be motivated for going and having fun.
I am going to talk about the Ice rink in the mall Gran Estacion, it is a mix of Ice rink and bar, while you are skating adults are drinking in the surroundings of the rink. I was very enthusiastic for skating in ice, some years ago I skate but in floor and I played Spanish hockey, the rollers are very different and in the moment I wearied them I felt strange, walking in through the rink was very difficult I was going to fall down, I had to walk very slow. Entering to the rink was more difficult the step the ice floor is very different it is harder. For learning how to skate first you have to know to walk in the ice and it was very difficult I was falling all the time, then when I was taking impulse for skating I was so happy and I started to skate faster but when I was going to take curve I felt and I scrape my hands, I was so embarrassed I though all people were laughing at me but is was not like that, like me many people was falling down so it was very common to see anyone falling down. Time passed and was I was skate a little bit but when I was just going to become a “little expert”,(obviously no) it was time for going home.
Well I have tell you my experience and now it your time for going and entertain, if you have already skate and you are and expert you will annoy everybody, if not don’t worry I dint know how to skate in ice but I learn something, and don’t worry if you fall down at the beginning people will laugh at you but then when that people fall you can also laugh of them. Go and have some fun in this entertaining place!!!!!(It is in the balcony at the exit of technology part, mall Gran Estacion).

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