martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Maloka cinema

Have you ever go to see a movie in which you fell that you are moving and interaction with it? I think that your answer is not but I can recommend you an especial place in which you can be happy on a day.

This place is name Maloka where you can make many especial activities that are not common to do it they are related whit science, art, technological, in which you can learn many things that you could not know.  But the most imprisoning place is the cinema!!!  I go to a movie in which you feel curiosity of what could be happen. In this cinema the sound is very good and in some times can make like an effect that can scare you. The movie that I see was related to the oceans and the different animals that live in that ecosystem, this move give to me conscious about the life of many animals that are in danger of extinction, because the humans and their actions. This cinema is located in Carrera 68D - Calle 43 A - Salitre Bogotá, DC maloka location is very easy to arrived.
Now you know that the best place to see a movie is Maloka. Because it has especial characteristics that other cinema could not have. Are you ready for this experience?????? .

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