martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

Salitre Magico

Hi guys, its me Juan Pblo Gomez and i am going to talk about a very nice thematic park. I am going to talk about Salitre Magico, I think you have visisted it in any moment of your life, if you havent I am going to tell you my experience over there for motaving you to go and have a really nice time.

I was bored in my house so I got the idea for going again after many years to Salitre Magico, I arrived there and I saw there was a new roller coaster, its color was green and it seems very interisting to ride it, its name is Tornado and it is sponsor by Banco AV Villas. I started to think only to ride on that new roller coaster. I started by riding in the bumper cars, then I ride in the first roller coaster of this park. I get some fun in that roller coaster,but then I passed to the other roller coaster the yellow one, it was better but I continue thinking in the Tornado. I ate some delicious food and I continue with energy for having fun. Then I repeated the roller coasters, the time passed to fast that I couldnt ride in all the atractions, my brother that have ride on other attractions told me there were amazing. I enjoyed the wheel Milenium it was amazing when I was on top, I could see an airplane landing, that was what I most like, Go karts where also nice, but  It was time for riding in the Tornado. It was amazing, all the time I waited was necessary. I returned to my house and I couldnt forget my amazing  experience. I couldnt forget the delicious foood I ate and my experience in that new roller coaster.

I think I have told you all about my experience in there, and I want you to go and have a nice time, full of fun, if you havent go you have to go and notice how amazing is that park, if you have already go, you have to repeat that amazing experience you had and experience by your own the new roller coaster: Tornado.

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

Mundo Aventura

Hi guys, I am going to talk you about my amazing experience in this amazing park, Mundo Aventura. I think you have visited it, its too far from our houses but I am sure you have visisted it in any moment of your life.Well if you haven't I am going to tell you my experience for motivating you to go.If you have gone, you know it is an amazing experience and you will compare my experience with yours and if there is something new you have to go and experience your own.

First it was difficult to arrive, but when I entered I saw many attractions so I was so amaze.The roller coaster was not like the ones of salitre magico but I enjoyed it.The Tropicana was also good, it was many "cars" join, it started by going front like at a speed of 40 kmh, then it goes back slower, but it dizzy. The Araña was more for relaxing that for screaming.The Xtreme,wow! it was amazing, I feel very strange but I enjoyed it. The Martillo was also amazing. I was thinking in the Flume Ride (the trunks). I ate a delicious burger, like in all of the thematic parks, there is only fast food. I started to walk around the park, I saw the part for children that is call Mundo Pombo, it is for little kids, if you have  any little brother thats the best part for him. Then I started to repeat attractions, and finaly when it was arrving the time of going, I rode in the Flume Ride, it was amazing I came out, too wet, but I enjoyed it too much. In the side of the park it is the stadium of La Equidad, a Bogota's football team, I didnt give it too much importance, like I am not fan of that team.

Well I think I have tell you all about my amazing experience in that amazing park. I want you to go and have a nice time full fun, and screaming in many of the attractions, for getting wet., etc... If you haven't go, you have been motivated by me, and you have to go and experience your own experience, you will compare yours with mine. If you have already go, you know my experience is similar to yours, and you have to go again for repeating that amazing experience.

domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

Colon Theater

In Bogota there are many theaters, some of them are historic places, and some aren’t. The theater colon is one of those theaters that are historic places. Have you ever visited it? If you don’t I recommend you to visit it.
This theater is very recognized in Bogota and in Colombia, is one of the oldest theaters in Colombia, because it was constructed in 1892. This theater is very great. It has a lot of things and decoration. This theater is very big, there can be more than 1000 people sitting down, this theater also has a fantastic decoration in the roof we can see fantastic paintings, also there is a big scenery, in which people can act freely, we can say that it is the best theater in Bogota, not only for the things it has, but for the big space. As this is a big theater it receive great artist and also it receive important people.
For concluding this theater is the best in Colombia, it has great things. It is a perfect example that the old things sometimes can be better than new things, so why don’t you visited, why don’t you permit yourself to have a great cultural day.

Julio Mario Santodomingo Theater

In Bogota there are many theaters, some of them are much unknown or aren’t very famous as others but they are also important. One of these theaters is the Julio Mario Santodomingo Theater, this theater will let you know, and how is a modern theater.
This theater is located in Julio Mario Santodomingo library, so while you go here you can read a book or search in internet, this theater is very big, there can be more than 1000 people sitting down, also there is big scenery, artist can move freely . Also the sits are in a very good position every one can see the scenery, and are very comfortable. Also there is a great variety of performance for been a non famous theater; you can watch La orquesta filarmonica de Bogota, and also some performance like Carmen Linares that is presenting this week.
This library is unknown but it has many great things. This is a perfect example that unknown theaters can be very good and better than famous. So why don’t you come here and prove it yourself.

La Castellana Theater

Have you ever been in a theater in Bogotá? Well if you don’t, I will recommend you to visit this theater; in here you will see a traditional Colombian theater with a good stuff, good decoration and obviously good performance.
La Castellana Theater is located in the neighborhood la Castellana, one of the historic neighborhoods in Bogota, so while you go in there you can see many historic places of Bogota, traveling to this place will let you know more about Bogota and its history. This theater is one of the best in Colombia here you can find a lot of performance like the one of Andres Lopez con frutica picada. Also not only the performance this place is great you can find many thing like comfortable sits, so you can rest while you watch the performance, also there are performance of kids so you can have a funny day seeing a performance with you son.
To conclude we can say that this is the best theater of Colombia, because there are a lot of things in this place, also there is a variety of performance so there is no way to get bored here. So we don’t you spend a day here learning about Bogota s history and having a funny day.


Hi guys, I am going to talk you about my expierence in this amazing thematic park, Maloka.Have you ever visisted it? If you have, you know it is a  nice experience and its a place where you learn many things and have some fun. If you haven´t, I am going to tell you how was my experience for motivating you for going and have your own experience.

I was in a exposition of the diferent interactive rooms by groups. I passed a good time, there were time for playing and little time for learning. Then I separate from my group when the explication finished and I go and see a movie in 3D, Dolphins and Whales. It was a nice experience. There was a part with a car with many ropes and pulleys, you pull a rope and the car raise, you don't need to make a lot of force and the car raise that was cool. I saw a big snake and many spiders, there were many peole like scared from this animals, but I was interested on touching them. In the part of space there was a dark room with stars, where you get dizzy. Over there it was a place of running and looking the speed in you have in the different planets. There was also a palce where you get electrocuted, it is a strange but nice feeling. I learned something interesting about the different colors the light have. I think I have learned that years ago but what amaze me, was how they explain me that with a real example.

I think I have tell you some things about my experience inMaloka, I would like you to go and have your own experience, and compare it with mine. I expect you to have a nice time, and you will learn and have fun at the same time, and you can wacth a nice movie in 3D. If you have already visited it, you have to go and repeat that amazing experience you had, if you havn't, with what I have tell you, you have to go one day and have a nice time.

Complejo Acuatico

Hi guys, I am Juan Pablo Gomez, and I am going to tell you about my nice experience in the Complejo Acuatico, have you ever visited it? it is probably that not, problably because you dont like swimming, but it doesnt matter I am going to tell you my experience for motivating you for going and visit it.

Well I was bored in my house, and I had anything to do, so I started to think in what places can I visited, after many time thinking I decide to visit this amazing sport place, the Complejo Acuatico, it is very near my house and I have only visited it one tieme,few days after it was build but I dont remember to much of it so I decided to go an repeat my experience. There were many and with different high diving boards. There were not people diving, but there were many people swimming, (as you know). They were parctising like for a championship, so they give all they could in the water. I would like to swim like them, they swim very fast and there were differente people swimming in different types. There was also a smaller swimming pool for the little kids, they also swim good, they were excellente swimmers for the age they had. The big swimming pool was for the diving boards, and for swimmers with more experince. The part of the diving boards was deeper than the others. It was nice to see all that people swimming.

Well I have tell you my experience, now its your time for going and expereicne your own. You will have an amazing expericne, you could have the opportunity of watching people diving, so you could have a better expericen than mine. Good luck! you could also became interest in swimmig and you can ask any teacher about the cousres they have.

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Bolívar plaza.

Hi guys if this entry is so lame, is because I’m so tired today because I hadn´t sleep in 1 day so sorry. Well so this is going to be the continuation of my last two entries. So we were in the part that my aunt was divorcing from my uncle. But this story happens again with my dad because my mom was helping my aunt with some procedures of my cousin’s Canadian visa.
So my dad and I again continued exploring Bogotá’s down town now visiting some theaters and some music shops but after walking again about 3 hours we stopped in front of the presidential house, the “Plaza de Bolivar” where you can find as my dad says “the flying rats” or thousand of doves that make an unique picture of one of the most important places in all Bogotá. When we were in there my dad told me that in here happened one of the revolts that lead to the Colombian independence. In here the July 20 of 1810 the New Grenadian people made their revolt by asking José González Llorente his jar. In here you can find the museum where you can know all history of this marvelous event. And now 200 years in the future we are again writing again (this is also an article about the Colombian Bicentenary).
Well after feeding some doves and chatting a lot whit my dad we went again home with my aunt, my mom, my dad an my cousin to eat some chicken filled with bacon and potatoes. want to se a video of this article click on this link: a really god video, but is in spanish.

Cultural Center “Gabriel García Márquez”

“Watts up world another day another challenge” (10 points if know from whose that leave a comment below). This time is like a continuation of my last entry because this experience also happened with my parents and my uncles two years ago. But this time is started a bit awkward.
By those days my aunt was separating from my uncle so they were making some legal issues in Bogotá (another reason why they came). When they were declaring in a court because they wanted to live now separated. So my dad and I were looking for a new experience we started to explore Bogotá’s down tow.  We begun walking all around of the down town, we visited some malls that are really old but our attention was captured by a really new structure with a postmodern art design. Without thinking two times we entered there for the first time and we get shocked. We find a  very cool place where is a library a coffee and some other stock shops were you can get out of the reality and travel to a place where is really peace full. We stayed there like for five hours drinking some Juan Valdes coffee and reading some magazines visiting the art gallery.
Finally my aunt got out of the audience with my mom and went to this wonderful place where she relaxed from all that stress and fight se had at the audience. Want to know more about this place go and visit: and for more infromation go and check this video


Hi, wuz up every body, I me Juanes writing again to you. Well one of the most important places in Bogotá is a sleeping volcano that is located _______. But if I continue saying to you this important details it would be BORING and I would probably get a zero in my writing achievement. So what I’m going to do is this:
Every time that I was going to visit my grandmother that lived in the south of Bogotá we had two choices to get there taking the Caracas A.V or taking the _______. So two years ago my cousins and uncles from Canada came here to Bogotá to visit all the family because they travelled around four years to Canada and never came back. So as they came here my dad suggested: “why don’t we visit Monserrate? You might not recognize it now” so after that proposal we took some really good jackets and went to Monserrate volcano. In here we had to choose between getting up to the top by Teleferico, Funicular or by walking but by those times the stairs that took you to the top were closed and the funicular was also closed because it was too late, so our only choice was to take the teleferico. When we get to the top we finally get our award we got the most beautiful view of all Bogotá.
But the only thing that was the negative on this experience was that it was freezing up there  think we were like in 4° C but we foud a little store were they serve my parents and my aunts “canelazo” (a hot brew made with panela, cinnamon and aguardiente)  and to us some hot chocolate. After that we decided to go home to get warmer with some sheets and some pillows. leave me some comments completing the blanks,  if you do it another ,10 points to you. go an check this video is amazing:

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

museo nacional

You already go to “the museo nacional”? If not I would tell you my experience in which I learned a lot of thing that is very important of our country. This is an experience I would not erase from my memory.
In this museum I see a lot of paintings that have a meaning for our country because each one of them describe many moments of our history that I really don’t know. I can know more about the Indians that lived before the Spanish people come, I can see their sculptures that for that times and actually are very beautiful. Also I see many important objects that were used for our independence and I learned more about this stage of our history. “the museo nacional” is located at carrera  7 calles 28 y 29. I also investigate about the different schedules for this museum for you be easily to go and visit it, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Also we can find important document the take us to what is now Colombia.
So take this change for go and visit the museum more complete of Colombia and his history and culture. Go and learned more about our beautiful country Colombia!!

monument of los heroes

Do you know what the “monument of los heroes” is? If you don’t know I would tell you how this monument take part of you. This monument is very beautiful because his shape and his size. This monument represents a lot of importance for Colombia.

This monument was construct for remember the persons who create the country that is now Colombia, for not lost our cultures, for be a real society, this persons are the soldiers that with Simon Bolivar fight for our rights and for a good society. In this monument you can see a big “square” made of marble in which it have some manuscripts that are related to many battles that many armies have to search our independence in this monument appears a sculpture of Simon Bolivar that is riding a horse, this sculpture is very special to me because it represents to me the courage that he have and his intelligence that I would like to have.
So what are you waiting go and visit this beautiful monument located in the caracas avenue, calle 80, autopista norte, come and know more about our history!

capitolio nacional

Do you know about a very old monument at the center of Bogota? I think that your answer is not but I think that you already seen it but you don’t remember. This is one of the most important monuments of Bogota.
It is named the “capitolio nacional” this is an important monument that is very old this monument is very important for Colombia because here is where the senado take many decisions for the future of our country. you remember the article of” el dia del trabajador”, in this article I told you that in this day a march pass all Bogotá until  they join in this place. My mother when she participates in this event she sees how this monument was full of people and that they paste some posters. In other events us” el dia del trabajador” they also join at this place because this place is so important to Colombia.
This is a very important monument go and see it so you would know many of Colombian history.

club de tenis el campin

Do you know a place in which you can practice a very good sport like the tennis and where you can relax and play with your friend’s games like chess or pool? I think that your answer is not but I can recommend you a special place in which you can find many activities for have fun.

This place is name “club de tenis el Campin”, in this place you can find a lot of spaces to make different activities , one of them are the 8 courts for play tennis that they surface are made of clay. this courts have great installations each court have a little place next to the courts in which you can leave your tennis bags and where you can drink water, also if you want you can pay for a service of the club that  one person name “Caddie” can hold and search your tennis balls when you are playing for be easily to play. Another place that you can found in this club is the cafeteria in which you can buy a lot of products if you want. This club also has a parking station that is very big and with a good security, also you can find vesture, places you can relax, gym, and room for pay chess or pool. In this place you can find teachers of tennis that teach you very well.

 The best thing of this place is that you can have fun and if you want to be a good tennis player this is the right place for make your dream come true. This place is located at diagonal 61c No. 26-35.  This is a place that is very complete in many ways, so this experience cannot be missed, I see you soon at club de tenis el Campin!

Andrés López con frutica picada.

Hi guys this time there is no introductory joke or event eccept for “what is green has four legs and if it falls from a tree kills you? “(At the end would be the answer). You must have heard of Andres lopes and if you don’t have you should probably try to research because he is one of the best comedians of Colombia. He makes jokes about our culture and how we behave in our life or how people behaved.
That day was a little bit bad to my dad because when he was working he was robed. The thief stole the extra tire that was on the back of our truck. But that changed when we entered to see this wonderful guy. But before that we went to the mall Isierra 100 that is not really cool. But when we were returning to the theater la castellana there was a row of people that wanted to enter to something, we keep going forward to know what was happening, it was that these people was making that row to enter to a Christian church. But when we entered to the real show of Andres lopes it was crazy , for me it was one of  the best 3 hours that I had lived.
After laughing a lot and almost crying we went home because the next day I had to study and my dad had to work so we had to sleep (it was 12 a.m). haaaa the joke I almost forget well what is green has four legs and if it falls from a tree kills you? Is so easy a POOL TABLE see ya next time. Bye.

Festival iberoamericano de teatro

Hey guys is me again (weird haa) I think I’m actually the only one that really say hi to you well that not this entry about. Well I thinking that as you are interested in Bogotá (dahh that why you are reading this) you might heard about fanny mikey (she died the 16th of august of 2008) well she was the creator of the festiva”l iberoamericano de teatro” that was the last March the 19th till the  4th of April in honor of fanny mikey.
Well  we I went with my dad to the” compensar of the avenue 68” where it was the most important stuff of this festival but this festival celebrates all around Bogotá. When we get there we looked like tourist, we didn’t know anything. There we bought our tickets (by those days I had I broke my leg so it was faster, weird of not having something in my legs) and went to explore it. First we went to a free exposition that was made in the centre of the festival were almost all of the actors give us a try of what was going to be their actuation on the theater. After that we went to lunch but what was the funniest lunch ever because my dad was busted by some actors so it was first scary but hen so funny.
After all of this joy we went home because I was really tired of my hand as I had to walk with Crutches but it was a really good experience. If you want to know more visit the page
Want to see a video of it?, click on this link (it is in spanish i couldn't find it in english, sorry)

Festival alimentarte

Hi guys is me again Juanes so the last entries on the blog were a little bit confusing but this time we are fresh and with a new pair of butteries ready for action. This time I’m going to tell you about the innovator festival ALIMENTARTE. What happened to me was this thing:
Always my mom and dad told me about this glorious festival every time we were driving near the park “EL VIRREY” here on this park every year here thousand of famous restaurants join in here and sell their food cheaper and every time you are buying something you are donating some cash to the widowed and orphans of police families. So time has no limits and time grew us all but the last Monday, august the second my dad told me okay is time to go and enjoy the festival “ALIMENTARTE”.
So when we arrived we had to park on the Carulla that is near of the park. We went walking to the park and walk near the apartment of the celebrity “Lina Marulanda” that R.I.P... Well to much Emo time so when we arrived we say a bunch of people but we keep going, we bought some tickets that represented cash an our first stop was in Peruvian food were we ate the delicious Seviche Peruano as an entry then we keep going to enjoy the Spanish food by buying a paella and giving some space to then eat a German hot dog with some ketchup and mustard and as a dessert we ate a donnut ( a really simple dessert because we were really full) after that we went to home in our car to take a nap and to start a new diet.
click on this link to see an amazing video:

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

luis angel arango

In bogota there are many interesting libraries, but if you want to find many things and have fun, there is the luis angel arango library. visiting this library will let you to know mare about bogotas history.

This library is located in the neighborhood la candelaria, one historic neighborhoods in bogota, so while you go there you can see places and learn some of bogota history. this library is also a cultural center; it has auditoriums in which they make some expositions, speeches, also it has some room in which there are shown some art paintings and some historical objects, also it is a very complete library because there are many books, reading rooms in which you can read without disturbing. also there are places with computers in which you can research for things, so one day that your internet is not working or you dont find something you want, you can come here. also there are room in which you can leave your kids reading while you do other things.

So why dont you come here? this place is very fantastic, so if you want to get everything or pass a cultural day, come here; this place will satisfy all your needs.

domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

Marcha del dia del trabajador

Do you know a form how you can show your disconfirmation to the government if you are a worker? The “Marcha del dia del trabajador” is a good event that can help you to resolve this problem. This is an important event that is made in Bogotá and in all our country Colombia.

In this event many associations of worker make a march to the “plaza de Bolivar”. There are many groups of people of all the social classes that want to be known in all the country and show their rights and their problems. In this march many people that are related to the political aspect participate. In one case I know Piedad Cordoba because some people of my family are related to the politic. This is an event that have a long time in our country, my father participate in this march whit my grandfather, he hold a banner. This march is most of common people that participate.

So if you are from Colombia go to this march and take a little more of culture and knowledge, if you are not of Colombia know a pacific way of how a group of persons can show their disconfirm, so go to this event and enjoy with your family.

La feria del automovil

Do you know a place in which you can see the most important vehicles in the world! if not i can recommend you "feria del automovil" a pace in which  you can find many types of different vehicles and different prices.

In this place you can find the most important marks and the most important types of cars: some of these marks are Mazda, Chevrolet, Ferrari, Audi, Mitsubishi, and others. Also there were cars that you can enter and see the interior part; some of these cars have a lot of technology. There were other cars that are the most faster in the world. In this place you can see cars of many colors and shapes. Also in this place you can find motorcycles. In this place also you can find cars that help the environment with good prices, in this event all the vehicles were in a lower price than normal. In this event were a lot of people and some important characters in our country also were models that promote the cars to the people. This event is located in Corferias Bogota. My favorite car was a Chevrolet Camaro because it is beautiful, is one of the fasters cars in the world.
This event is the best opportunity you will have to see many types of cars and know more about them and see the cars you like the most. And why not buy your car!